Jade spring shenxin hotel jinan : shandong hotels - china hotel shandong hotel reservation 济南玉泉森信大酒店:山东饭店-中国饭店山东饭店订房网
It has a thin high - arched body , and served as a passageway when qing emperor and empress left kunming lake for jade spring hill 清代帝后乘船由昆明湖去玉泉山,便取此桥下作为水路通道。
If sit bus , can be at the door na yueyuan restaurant ( station of jade spring run ) , sit 707 buses , in " ma jiabao village " get off , change 603 , in " south xidan crossing " get off arrived 假如坐公交车,可以在南粤苑饭店门口(玉泉营车站) ,坐707路公交车,在“马家堡小区”下车,换乘603路,在“西单路口南”下车就到了。